Name Art – Focus n Filter

by TrioApps


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Name Art – Focus N Filter allows you to write your name with amazing signature effect with 100+ calligraphy font style, stickers, amazing background, awesome outline frame and many more. Now,make your own stylish quotes, create flyers as well as create Insta name paint Pic with Focus N Filter. This Signature Maker Application is very easy to use and beautiful user interface design.Name Art Maker or Signature Maker App helps you to create your own Instafocus Filter Signature in couple of seconds. Creating your new signature images with Focus and Filter is very simple as drawing and sketching with paper pencil. This Textagram App also provide lots of symbol to decorate your Calligraphy Name. You can Make Calligraphy Text profile picture using this wonderful application and share this creation via different social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagrametc to increase like and comments on your profile.How to use Name Art – Focus n Filter App? Enter your text into name box. Choose another fonts for make your name with differently in all the font filter effects. Set font size according to your use. Choose color option in all the colors collections and apply it in your text. Choose color background, outline frame,sticker, feather and many more as per your need. Next to apply for save your creation in creation portion. Now you can share your focus n filters creation via social network.Main Features of Name Art - Focus N Filter Name App:- Provide more 100+ Calligraphy Font Style. Provide 50+ background. Provide 30+ Gradients Provide 50+ out line. Provide 50+ stickers Provide 30+ texture Provide different types of shadow Allow signature in both mode portrait and landscape for better result. Add Colors to Background Add Colors to Text Zoom & rotate stickers Save image to gallery Share via social link.You can see this day calligraphy, stylish, colorful, attractive names are going viral on Instagram, Facebook, and others Social networking sites your friends would have also set it as WhatsApp DP it looks exactly hand written style. No worries, this Name Art Maker and focus n filters application allows to user to create his/her name with amazing signature effect with different style of font, stickers, outline and background.If you find this app useful then please don’t forget rate us and leave your valuable feedback and comment. Your suggestion regarding improvement of the app is always welcome.Thank you.